On-Line Leak Sealing

  • Across the globe, industrial plants encounter challenges with fluid leaks.
  • Human safety, industrial security, environmental concerns, and production costs drive the need to address these issues.
  • Our sealing method enables the cessation of various leaks involving different fluids (such as steam, water, gas, hydrocarbons, and chemical products) without halting plant operations.

The Sealing Method

It involves placing an enclosure around the leak, then injecting the sealing compound under pressure using a manual injection pump, through the injection adapters.

Online Leak Sealing

Online Leak Sealing is a technique whereby any fluid leak can be sealed at specific pressure and temperature without interrupting plant operations.
  • Fluids can include
  • Steam
  • Water
  • Hydrocarbons
  • By-products
  • Acids

Pressure can range as follows

Fluid pressure up to 240 bar (3600 psi) Fluid temperature: °80-C to °700+C
The leak sealing process involves bolting around the leaking part and enclosing it with a clamp or enclosure, which is then filled under pressure with sealing compounds. A specially manufactured box clamp. (for sealing pipe pinhole leaks) A specially manufactured ring clamp. (for sealing flange joints)